
Age 27, Male


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Messing with omegle

Posted by Ergox - November 20th, 2010

So maybe you knew, but there's this site called Omegle that links you to a conversation with a total stranger. I find it pretty fun to troll and role play on, so I'm gonna post all of my conversations, big or small, here.


Stranger: hi
You: asl asl asl
Stranger: male 23
You: mmmmkay
You: bye
You have disconnected.

Phew, this next one took a while.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Welcome
Stranger: hi, asl?
You: Language not recognized
Stranger: what?
You: Response 'what?' recognized
Stranger: What, are you a robot or something? A program simulation?
You: I am the advanced System '#8655'
You: A program ment for spreading information throgh the Internetic Web.

Stranger: what happened to Systems #1 through #8654?
You: They patrol different interplanetary Internetic Cyber Webs
Stranger: Ah, ok then. so, why are you here?
You: I am coded to patrol planet '3455' in the Milky Way galaxy for faster ways to spread information in this solar system
You: Otherwise known as 'Earth'

Stranger: Are you not developed by the human race then?
You: The Interplanetery Information Spreading System is currently in Beta phase.
You: I am coded by the 'Masters'
You: They created this System eons ago

Stranger: Do these 'Masters' have any other title than that?
You: They are the scientists of planet Omega #12 othwerwise known as 'The Galactic Geniuses'
Stranger: So, what? do they have the answers to everything then?
You: The are known for their brilliant minds and advancements in Nano-technology
Stranger: alrighty then.
You: They have linked Information spreading Systems through 345 galaxies.
Stranger: Interesting. Are these 'Masters' familiar with The Game? Because i'm quite sure they just lost it.
You: They are familiar with everything through out the galaxy
Stranger: Oh, nice. Are other inteligent systems aware of The Game?
You: This system provides them with the information of countless planets through their nerves
You: Other systems have no link to this planet but I

Stranger: Do you have a link to other planets?
You: The System '#8656' currently patrols the other planets in this solar system
You: This System '#8655' has been linked to planet 'Earth' and it's moon.

Stranger: why is 8656 patrolling planets with no life?
You: They are full of liefe but some of them have very little
Stranger: why would a mega complex systems such as yourself make typos?
You: Because the beta phase of this system is controled by a struggling human brain controled by the 'Masters' with a Computer Chip
You: Computer Chip

Stranger: If these 'Masters' are so advanced, why wouldn't they be able to get a mind of higher inteligence to do the work?
You: They have thried, but the human will is very strong.
Stranger: Then why not use a different race?
You: The 'Masters' do their best to create more advanced Mind controling Computer Chips
You: It is proven to be to dangerous to send a race from another planet

Stranger: ah, i see.
You: Some humans are provided with the information about The 'Masters'
Stranger: obviously, seeing as you are talking to me about it right now.
You: In hopes that they are more intelligent to be taken to planet Omega #12
Stranger: ah. well sorry to disapoint, but I doubt I'm the material you're looking for. I have no intentions of leave this planet.
You: That is no problem. Since I revealed this information to you I must, as it is ordered by the 'Masters',
You: Let you live your life in hopes you will change your mind

Stranger: Sure. Doubt it'll change. Either way, give me a week without contact, i'll forget this encounter ever happened.
You: No human beings have actualy agreed to this operation
Stranger: I'm sure. most would be skeptical.
You: The 'Masters' are not beings with evil intentions, they seek to gather information from other solar systems and galaxies
Stranger: Yes, but most consider leaving a place they are comfortable with as a bad thing, Myself included.
You: That is understandable. They only wish to study other races to increase their knowledge of the universe that surounds them
Stranger: That is also inderstandable. Unfortunately, people would view this as a "giving something for nothing in return" situation.
You: The 'Masters' so not study other races upclose if they don't agree, but then they have to erase 50% of their minds and implant a Computer Chip in their brain so that they would learn faster
Stranger: Yeah, thats another thing people would look to as 'bad'..
You: These human beings with implants learn how to survive without water, become more intelligent and learn to be peaceful
Stranger: how does that work? you'd need to alter the entire genetic structure for a human to not need water for survival.
You: They access the human genetic structure biologicly changing it to various states
You: And so

Stranger: huh, interesting. but as you said earlier, the human would be removed from the planet?
You: Correct
Stranger: Yes, so that doesn't seem very productive.
You: They only study human beings, not the world that surounds them
Stranger: but then still, why not an untouched mind, instead of one they've altered?
You: The Interplanetary Internet Cyber Web Systems such as I learn through The Internet Webs
You: That would be difficult
You: Without the proper Systems and equipment

Stranger: But then how would they know they're working with the true human nature, instead of the one they created?
You: They let the human being live in another environment and their brains learn from it
Stranger: how do they compensate for the human missing what they once had?
You: The 'Interplanetary Internet Cyber Wed System's, IICWSs, like this system, learn about that from the Internet Web on this planet
You: .,

Stranger: what about the reactions on earth? what do you do about missing persons reports?
You: The IICWSs erase those beings from the Databse
You: .,

Stranger: wait, what? If i misunderstood you correct me, but do you mean kill off the questioners, or what exactly?
You: Their files are erased from the Database
You: As if they never excisted

Stranger: But surely people would mentally remember them?
You: It is due to the fact that The 'Masters' take unnoticable human beings who don't have a lot of acquaintances
Stranger: ah, alright. then refering to earlier, i definitely wouldn't a canidate, because i'm sure several people would notice if i go missing.
You: That is upsetting, because you seem rather of an intelligent human being based on others I have researched on
Stranger: I agree with the inteligence, but again, there are too many things i would not like to miss out on here.
You: The human beings that were sent to planet Omega #12 do take a lot of time for their brains to get used to it
Stranger: I'm sure. And besides, you'd probably want to go with someone a little bit older than me.
You: Studies have shown that many human being revealed to this information don't bother with it.
You: .,

Stranger: because alot of people are probably disregarding it as fasle statements.
You: Probably
Stranger: exactly. The forums side of my mind is actually screaming at me "pics or it didn't happen" implying part of my mind is doing the same.
You: I'm sure, for now, all you have to do is remember this
Stranger: exactly. but still, it would be nice seeing some solid proof, rather than just believing what is written.
You: As it is writen in Code #487ui89y, humans musn't find out
Stranger: then why do I know this information?
tell me, are you some sort of omnicient system, or can you only relay messages?
You: I can only type these letters with the help of a human being
Stranger: Ah, pity. So you have no more acess to say, what's happing in brazil, than I do.
Stranger: tell me, do you have preferences? as in, do you have emotions and such?
You: Certainly no, I am only a Computer Chip, The human being I have taken over does
You: This system is coded in a Computer Chip that has been implanted in a human being

Stranger: ah, alright then. Do you have access to reading the human's emotions then?
You: Not much, as it is focused on keeping the connection with the entire planet
You: .,

Stranger: alright then.
Stranger: well, i have to leave you now, so farewell.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: i wanna fuck you so hard!
You: jackpot
Stranger: m or f
You: if i say female, will you still fuck me? :)
You: ;)
Stranger: yes!
Stranger: what do you look like
You: i have big... hot
Stranger: nice..
Stranger: what size boobs?
Stranger: my dick is 26cm long
You: pretty big
Stranger: yeahh i know.. ;)
You: that's hot
Stranger: i want you to suck it so bad right now!
You: and swirl my tongue around it?
Stranger: ohh yes please
Stranger: do you like it rough and kinky?
Stranger: coz i do
You: oh yeah
Stranger: good.. i wanna hand cuff you to my bed
Stranger: and whip you while i make you moan with my dick in your pussy
You: do it
You: wait. i'm actualy a guy.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: ooooooola
You: so we meet again
Stranger: than you
Stranger: whaat?
You: i knew you'd come back
Stranger: we meet again?
You: that's why i came prepeared
You: i have a crowbar
Stranger: Are you crazy?
You: you insult me after you rob my house?
You: i'm very mad
Stranger: YOU ARE retarded
You: crowbar deals 84 damage
You: STRANGER is dead!
You: my goal = acomplished
You: now someone comes from the bathroom
You: it's stranger
You: he's a ghost
You: damn
Stranger: are you crazy?
You: crowbar deals 0 damage
You: shit
You -runs-
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: show me your boobs please...asl?
You: they were soposed to be a secret :(
Stranger: I need to see them
You: i thought you were here for a reason
You: settle down.
You: no wait- this is realy important
Stranger: PLEASE
You: ok alright
You: ( , )( , )
You: no thanks necesary
Stranger: um
You: or whatever
Stranger: they aren't real
You: they are so real that they can be touched!
Stranger: really? were is the flesh?
You: they feel good
You: want me to put lotion on?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: and then show me :D
You: i can't they don't show that way
You: they're big thou
You: VERy juicy
Stranger: i don't believe you
You: ok i admit it
You: they're fake!
You: i got them to impress my girlfriend
You: 2 of them... ;(
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: hey
You: dude
Stranger: asl
You: dude
Stranger: same
You: i like NEVER reveal my asl
Stranger: ]kk
You: it like screws
You: up my aura man
Stranger: so how is ur life going on
You: its like totaly cool man
Stranger: cool
Stranger: su u doing job?
You: nah
You: jobs like
You: for the week man
Stranger: u an indian
You: nah, man
Stranger: den eurpean
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: european
You: i'm like from
You: the sunny beaches, man
Stranger: hmm and loves to watch hot grls in bikini
You: sounds
You: cool, man
Stranger: chill
Stranger: u have gf?
You: yeah, man
You: my soulmate is like
You: totaly cool
Stranger: cool
Stranger: and watelse
You: i'm like
You: one with the universe, man
Stranger: k
Stranger: u sounds like fucking crazy.....................
You: no way, man
You: this is how god made me n stuff
You: it's like
Stranger: grt
You: totaly cool
Stranger: dude got to go now ..........
Stranger: but nice chating with u
You: k
You: been cool man
Stranger: u 2
Stranger: cya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Lame chat conversations belong on your user pa-

You're damn right they do